After you complete your FAFSA and the college has received it, we may need additional information in order to complete your financial aid review. When you completed your FAFSA you may have seen a note that you were selected for verification. Verification is the process where information from your FAFSA is confirmed with documentation. Students are selected for verification at random and it does not mean that the information on your FAFSA is incorrect. Additional information on the verification process is available in several short videos on our video page.
What information is needed?
If you are selected for verification, the Office of Financial Aid will send you a letter detailing what information we need from you. Common examples of documentation that we will ask for:
- Federal tax returns or tax transcripts
- W-2’s
- Proof of citizenship
We may also send you forms to complete to verify information such as household size and income.
How to return documentation
It’s important that you send completed forms and other documentation back to us as quickly as possible. A delay in providing this information may result in a delay in the processing of your financial aid and the reduction or loss of awards.
Documentation and completed forms can be sent to us in a variety of ways:
- Mail: Office of Financial Aid, 1200 Academy St., Kalamazoo, MI 49006
- Secure FileDrop: Documents can be uploading securely online using our FileDrop system. Please see our FileDrop instructions for assistance using this service.
- In Person: Paperwork can be dropped off in our office at Room 111 in Mandelle Hall from 8am-5pm Monday thru Friday. If the office is not open, completed forms can be left in the locked drop box located next to our office door.
- Fax: 269.337.7390
Missing documents will show as completed on Hornet HQ once we receive the documents and enter them into our system.
After verification
Once we receive your FAFSA and any requested documents, we will review your FAFSA to determine your eligibility for financial aid. Any discrepancies between the documentation you provided and the information on your FAFSA will be corrected on your FAFSA and you will receive a revised FAFSA Submission Summary. If you are eligible for financial aid, you will receive a financial aid offer.