Once you have applied for college financial aid, it’s important to learn how to manage student loans. Here are some links you will need. Also, remember it’s important to file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for each academic year you attend Kalamazoo College. If you need further assistance, please contact us through the information at the bottom of this page.
Adjusting or Declining Your Loans
If you want to adjust your student loans for the 2024-2025 academic year, you may do so filling out the Loan Adjust/Decline Form or by sending your request from your K email account to finaid@kzoo.edu.
Federal Direct Loan Resources
Direct loan master promissory note – First-time borrowers must sign in (using your FSA ID) to complete an electronic master promissory note.
Direct loan entrance counseling – First-time borrowers must sign in (using your FSA ID) to complete electronic entrance counseling.

Loan calculator – This site provides additional information about loan-repayment options and can help you calculate an estimate of what your loan payments may be.
Loan Simulator – Use this tool to calculate different loan scenarios including repayment strategies and borrowing simulations.
Repayment Plans – Borrowers through federal loan programs have a variety of repayment options including standard, extended, graduated, income-contingent and income-based repayment plans. Learn more about repayment options and how to manage your student loans.
Federal Student Aid website – Sign in here to find out who your loan servicer is, disbursements that have been made, the status of your direct loans, compounded interest amounts, repayment terms, deferment paperwork and more.